Alias: / /
doom / psychedelic / black metal / abstract symbolism / weird black metal / avant-garde / noise / drone music
PUBLISHED RELEASES__________________________________________

Kaula are: Pietro Riparbelli: Conception, Organs, Distorted Voice and Fiedl Recordings Rosy (Profanal): Vocal Kristian (Profanal): Guitar Nicco (Profanal): Drum Kaula is an experimental Black Metal band based in Italy that wants investigate some dimensions related to the hindu culture with particular reference to the worship of the Kali Deity. Thus, all the lyrics of kaula project are taken from an old an important text of the Shivaitic Tantrism called AVADHUTA GITA. The Avadhuta Gita is a text of Vedanta representing extreme Advaita or Nondualism. It is ascribed to Dattatreya, who is looked upon as an Incarnation of God. Avadhuta means a liberated soul, one who has "passed away from" or "shaken off" all worldly attachments and cares and has attained a spiritual state equivalent to the existence of God. Though avadhuta naturally implies renunciation, it includes an additional and yet higher state which is neither attachment nor detachment but beyond both. An avadhuta feels no need of observing any rules, either secular or religious. He seeks nothing, avoids nothing. He has neither knowledge nor ignorance. Having realized that he is the infinite Self, he lives in that vivid realization.
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